Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin

About a month or so ago I told Jerome that I thought McCain should pick Sarah Palin has his VP choice. He said that that was not likely, he probably didn't even know who she was. Na na na na na, I told you so! YEA Sarah Palin is awesome!

We are very PROUD to call her our Governor in Alaska. She is as down to earth non Washington as they come. She sold the state jet, and got rid of her driver. She does actually drive herself around town. Last year at the Bear Paw festival in Eagle River she and her youngest daughter parked by us nearly a mile away from the parade. They walked like everybody else. She could have just driven right up to the police guy and gotten special parking, but no she chose to be treated like everyone else who should have gotten to the parade a tad bit earlier for better parking!

Jerome met her at the Welcome home event for his Brigade in December. She was the guest speaker and he was very impressed, not just because she is beautiful. Her son is also serving our country and she believes in the US Military.

She is Pro Life, and even just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy with Down Syndrome. She is Pro drilling and has put the natural gas pipe line in motion. Not to mention that $1200 extra per person energy relief that she just passed for AK citizens to offset the cost of high fuel prices. Sarah knows how to get things moving and shakin'. She is an excellent choice for VP! Go Sarah!

Check out or for more information on Sarah Palin and her rise to Fame. Don't forget to register to vote. This is going to be an historic election no matter what side you are voting.

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