Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trick Or Treat!

Jared is not so happy....he had to learn a very hard lesson about not telling the truth. He couldn't go out trick or treating, but had to stay at the house and hand out candy. By the end of the night though he was happy. He liked getting to see all the costumes and his friends as they came by to get candy. His brother and sister were even nice enough to give him some of their candy so he got a bucket full too.

Jerome made the pumpkin. The kids were gonna help him,
but they didn't like the feel of the "guts"


We also took Daddy and Phil up to Hatcher's Pass and while we were there it started to snow. Later that day it snowed down the mountain at the HOUSE! The kids were so excited.

Very Friendly Moose

We went to the Wildlife Conservation Center while Daddy and Phil were here visiting recently. This moose was found in the woods after his mom was hit by a car a few years ago. They bottle fed him and I believed planned to release him when he was strong enough to fend for himself. Apparently he had other plans! He loves people and would not leave us alone. He kept coming right up to the fence to get the kids to pet him!! He tried following us when we walked away. Doen't guess they can release him NOW! But it sure was fun to get so close to a moose and not have to worry about him running us over. Although, that fence was not very strong.