Saturday, December 15, 2012

Children in Heaven

I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way.  I have this blog, but I am more of a math and science girl than a writer.  So, I hope this comes out right.

As you know, we have some angel babies in Heaven.  (April 2009 blogpost)  Jadyn loves her Baby Brother James just as much as she does her living brothers even though she never even met him.  Often when asked how many brothers and sisters she has, Jadyn will say, "I have 4 brothers, but James is in Heaven.  He was too weak to be with us.  But it is OK because he is in Heaven with Jesus!"  She is such a blessing to me!  She has never lost sight of that and really does know how to comfort others in loss.  It is truly amazing!  She IS my living Angel!  

On holidays and such she reminds us that James is celebrating with the savior.  It is so peaceful and just a comfort for me as a mom of a stillborn to KNOW that my son is walking the streets of Gold!

SO with my "Jadyn Eyes" I try to look on this tragic event in Connecticut and see some Peace.  Yes, I have cried my eyes out! I am sure the whole world has.  As I wrap the last of my Christmas presents and think of the ones that will never get opened under many trees.  Instead of planning how they will suprise children on Christmas morning far too many parents are planning funerals.   My hurt and condolences are for the families.  They will never see the children grow up.  Never know the potential that their little lives could have lived out.  I know they miss them so much and that hurt will NEVER go away.  

Time does NOT heal these wounds.  Only GOD can do that! I pray that they can know the PEACE that I felt when I held my little angel back in 2009.  To know that their babies are no longer a part of this sinful world!  They will never have to experience the heartbreak of watching our world fall apart.  Justin asked me yesterday how could someone do this?  I told him that this world is full of sin.  It started at creation and .....He completed the sentence, "It's only gonna get worse." :(  Until Jesus returns and we are walking the streets of Gold with these beautiful children! 

So with my "Jadyn Eyes"  I am imagining the JOY on those babies faces when they saw Jesus for the first time!  What excitement to see Streets of Gold!  I'm sure they each have someone in their lives that knows them, a grandparent or relative, maybe even a friend that is happy that they are there with them to celebrate the Birthday of the King!  What a time of celebrating for them to just be At Peace in the arms of the Father, the creator of the Universe!  

My prayer is not for the children, but for their families.  That they are already brothers and sisters in Christ and have the security of joining their little children in that glorious place one day.  I pray that if they are not belivers that someone will come along side them and show them this PEACE and LOVE that the Father has for them.    Jesus is this peace.  

He is NOT some fairy tale or just a good story from the Bible.  He IS our savior and through Him we have forgiveness of sin and the security of Life ever after!  How do I know?  Of course the Bible tells me so.  But really, how ELSE do you think that I can live in a world full of sin, death, and heartbreak and still be filled with JOY and PEACE!  Jesus IS the ANSWER!  Know Him not just Of Him :)  You will be amazed! 


Home School Update :)

Well, the kids were so excited that they thought we were starting Friday Morning!  They didn't want to get dressed to go to school.  But I told them they had to finish out the semester which is ending early for them anyway since we are leaving Wednesday Morning.

They were not suppose to say anything to their teachers and friends until I could get there to tell them in person.  My issue is NOT with the specific teachers and I didn't want them to think that there is a problem with them.  Yes, I do have some issues with the school and especially the district.  But, mainly this decision is about what is RIGHT for our family and not about what is wrong with the system or school.   But of course, Jadyn couldn't keep her mouth shut!  When I saw Mrs. Nunez yesterday afternoon she looked sad.  She said, "What Happened?" :(  I know she will miss Jadyn.  I think she was her favorite, ssshhhh ;)  But she understands.  Jared's teacher has been out sick all week and they don't know when she is coming back.  I didn't want to tell her via email, but I might have to. 

I found out that I don't have to do anything but withdraw them and Jadyn can still keep going to the school for her speech therapy :)  I just have to take her over there, but since you can see the school from our house this is not a problem.  Oh and this conversation was when I learned that I had better withdraw them on Tuesday, because if I wait till after Christmas the 2 1/2 days that they are absent due to traveling will be unexcused for 3 days and they have to report us to the court!  Oh I will be there Tuesday!  This just solidified the issue for sure!  So I called the middle school to see if they were going to report Justin.  They told me no, that he does not have any absences and since I am letting them know in writing before he leaves plus he already has permission from his teachers there is not a problem.  That it REALLY IS up to the school when to report.  They do have to do so at TEN, not three!  The problem is MONEY!  They don't get money for students when they are not at school - STUPID!

We looked at some curriculum and decided on something other than Abeka for now anyway.  I decided to start with just Language Arts and Math for at least a month until we get in a routine and then I will add History and Science.  I'm still deciding what curriculum to use for those, but I might just do my own thing.  I did TEACH science for a while.  I am sure I can do something fun :)  But, we are gonna use the Alpha and Omega LifePac for LA and of course Saxon Math!  I just love Saxon :) I taught it a few years as well.  

Tonight Jadyn and Jared were getting a bit of practice on their own.  Jared was the teacher and Jadyn his student.  It was too cute!  This is going to be FUN!  I am so excited!  I might just order the material and have it sent to mom's so I can read up and get ready on the ride home from Alabama :)  That or I need someone to pick it up off my porch when it comes here. Ya know I think the Teacher in me is just giddy!  I have missed being in the classroom - not enough to go back full time.  But I guess this IS full time!  I can't wait to go to the Teacher store her in El Paso for supplies, YEA!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

OK Here We Go....I Think!

     OK, so most of you know probably from Facebook that Jerome and I were praying about Homeschooling as we were preparing to move to Ft. Bliss.  The kids wanted to try school, so we let them.  But, I just can't get this out of my mind.  
     Let me tell you this school district is NOT military friendly AT ALLWell, they love for the military to help THEM that's for sure.  And the USASMA does an awesome job volunteering.  But they are like the Natzi attendance police or something.  That and I do not feel welcomed in the Elementary School AT ALL!  You get all kinds of strange looks every time you walk in the door!  They even cancelled the Parent Lunch Wednesday's.  The principal once stated at a PTA meeting that "it's OK if your child doesn't do well on the standardized testing, because that allows us to get more money for the school and tutoring programs"  Yes She Did! I got an idea.  How about you just teach my kid what he needs to be learning FIRST!
     I will say that it has nothing to do with Jared and Jadyn's Teachers!  They are both very nice and have always answered my questions!  (Oh man, I just realized I will need to coordinate Jadyn's Speech Class.  She should still get that right?) But I really think they both need more attention, and since I can not observe or help out in the classroom I really don't know anything about their learning.  This Teacher momma does NOT like it at all :) Jadyn says her work is too easy and Jared is struggling with comprehension and I don't think they have written a book report.  Shouldn't 4th graders be writing book reports or some writing?  I haven't seen anything like that. He has trouble writing complete sentences to answer questions. 
     So after just deciding TONIGHT that we are going to proceed with this plan to Homeschool we talked to the kids.  Justin is comfortable at his Middle School and I am OK with him staying there.  He is pretty much self sufficient when it comes to school and always has been, so he can stay at Ross. ...I guess.  But Jadyn and Jared both seemed pretty excited.  Jared really wanted to do it in August, but he went along with his siblings.  I'm gonna give them this weekend to ask questions and make sure they are ready.  But we have pretty much decided to do this.  Unless they are just absolutely against it, we will keep as planned.  I don't see that happening.

SO here is what I NEED:  HELP!  hahahaha!  Not with the teaching part, obviously I have experience in THAT area.  

I need to know from my TX Homeschool friends what I need to do to be Legal, if anything? Do I just withdraw them, pick a curriculum, and start?  Or do I have to file any paperwork or anything? I don't have time to read a bunch of just STUFF, lol.  I want just the basics so we can get started.

Also TX Peeps, Are there homeschool groups that meet for activities and such.  Jadyn is a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY!   I have to make sure she is meeting and learning with others occasionally or I will lose her! 

So I am leaning towards Abeka.  MAINLY because I have taught it in private school settings, so I know the curriculum.  Also, it is reasonably priced!  I am BROKE!  So we are relying on GOD to make this happen!   Donations Accepted ;)  But I am open to other programs if someone has a better idea.  

I am planning on just starting from the beginning of the material.  As we come across stuff they have already mastered we will skip it and move on.  Is this the best method for starting mid-year?  I want to finish the whole grade level so if it takes into summer then we will make it happen.

Lastly, well I guess this should have been FIRST!  Pray for ME!  I think this will be fun, but I have got to get organized and the financial obligation at first is a big thing as we are already on a tight budget.  I have like NO art or school supplies, as Jadyn always points out :)  I gotta get stocked!

All sorts of things are coming to me as I type... Khun Ya ( Jerome's Mom) is coming home with us for a while after Christmas.  This can be a good thing, as she can keep Jaxson entertained as we learn how to adjust to this new routine. 

Man, what are we doing?  LOL  It is going to be GREAT!  Who knows where the Lord (I mean Army) will send us this summer.  So if this works out it could be our family school for a while :)  

Thank you in advance for all your prayers and support!