Monday, September 8, 2008

Not SO Bad First Day

The first day of boot camp was not too bad. Today we had to weigh in and test ourselves on several things. The weigh in was optional, but since my goal is to lose weight I figured I should do it. I'm gonna just come out with it - I can't believe I'm doing this! I weigh 175. I was not really shocked at this amount but disgusted non the less. I don't think I weighed that much when I was full term pregnant with Justin.

We had to warm up for about 5 minutes and then do some stretches. This was not too bad. After that we began getting timed on our physical skills. I felt like I was back in High School taking the physical Fitness Test that we used to have to do. Except that I wasn't very good at it in High School, and now I am really BAD, LOL! Actually I did better on some things than I thought I would do, and not so much on the run.

First, we had to do squats. I did 42 in one minute. I was surprised at how I did manage to keep a somewhat steady pace with these.
Next, we had to do push ups. I chose to do the modified version - Yes I am a sissy! I did 22 of them in one minute. Not very good, but better than I expected!
Then, we had to do sit ups. I am very ashamed to say that I only did 16 in a minute. Hey at least I have something to work for, right.
Last, we had to run, jog, or walk a mile. It was four laps around this track that was set up with cones. We ran on grass, not that it would have made a difference. I started off with a slow jog, then decided that I was not going to fool anyone. I can't jog this whole thing, LOL. I walked most of it, but did manage to jog part of each lap. My time was 14.25 minutes. Far cry from the 6 minute mile I ONCE ran in junior high!

All in all I had fun. It was a pretty good start to my ultra large goal! Wednesday is the next class. It is suppose to be more fun - whatever that means, hehe.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!! Just keep repeating this to myself over and over and over.


Beth said...

So, I was just wondering how you are feeling today (Tuesday)?

Ginger said...

Tuesday was not too bad. My arms were kind of sore from the pushups, but I was not in any real pain. Till about 5pm when I started getting a migrain, but that is another post in itself! W'll see how today goes.