Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I stayed within my points today!! I had a couple of samples at PWOC and a 1/2 BANANA!! That did eat up like 6.5 points, but I made this awesome ZERO POINT soup for dinner, so it was OK! The one thing that has got me in trouble, or I can see that it WILL get me into trouble are the tiny bites!! I am a snacker. Throughout the day today I had a handful of almonds here, a couple vanilla wafers there, some raspberries... these add up pretty quick when your not paying attention. I am gonna try and avoid these point THIEVES! In my defense I just went grocery shopping right before I committed to starting WW, so I DO have too much junk around the house. The next grocery shopping day will be carefully planned meals and snacks, so the temptation is not here!!

I had a couple of good thoughts that I wanted to share today, but I am too tired. Maybe I will share my revelations tomorrow, lol. Night all :)

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