Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reasons Why I LOVE My Husband!

1. I love how he takes songs on the radio and gives them his own funny lyrics.
2. I love that he is an awesome provider for his family.
3. I love that he is a great father.
4. I love how he looks in a uniform - dress blue is my favorite!
5. I love that he prays.
6. I love that he is a good leader.
7. I love that he loves me!
8. I love his hands.
9. I love that he likes things neat and organized.
10. I love that he doesn't let my messiness get to him, too often!
11. I love that he loves his parents.
12. I love that he calls my mother "mom"
13. I love that he serves his country and puts others freedoms before his own.
14. I love that he is a conservative.
15. I love that he has faith in God, and isn't afraid to show it.
16. I love his bald head. - It took a little getting used to.
17. I love that he is not afraid of FOUR kids - anymore, LOL.
18. I love that he can cook. I'll miss his cubed deer this year. I will never get the sauce right.
19. I love that he was covered in deer blood when we met.
20. I love that he rubbed my feet to keep them warm. Not much foot rubbing since then though. I personally don't blame him, lol.
21. I love to rub his back at night even though I complain sometimes.
22. I love that he drove all the way back to Kentucky to get my wedding ring, even if I was being stupid!
23. I love that he doesn't laugh when I cry at stupid movies and stuff.
24. I love that he is concerned for his soldiers and wants to see them succeed.
25. I love that he bought us 4 wheelers. - maybe we will eventually get to use them again.
26. I love that he is teaching the boys to shoot, hunt, and fish. I guess its a southern thing!
27. I love that he has a daddy's girl, and that he is wrapped around her finger!
28. I love that he likes to spoil us every now and then.
29. I love that he likes candles as much as me.
30. I love that he allows me to be a stay at home mom!
31. I love that he is the leader of our family.

But mostly I just love you because you are you! God sent you to me. I prayed for you as a young girl and He sent you as my help meet. I could not ask for a better partner in life. I love You Jerome! Stay Safe and come home soon!

1 comment:

The Andersons said...

You made me cry...not only because that was very sweet, but also because I am missing my Valentine (he's still in Thailand). You two are such a beautiful inspiration and my God bless you! If you ever need anything, please call! Also, Luke wants your 3 J's to come over again and spend the night, so anytime you need a break, we'll be happy to take all three. Maybe this time, Kyle will be home to enjoy it with me. :)