Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jadyn can SWING!!!!

Jadyn LOVES to be pushed on the swing. She likes to go FAST and is a DAREDEVIL! Tonight she showed me that she finally learned how to make HERSELF swing! YEA! But, you know that doesn't get me off the hook. Every kids likes to be pushed. I still here it from Justin when we go to the park with the big swings. They boys were playing with Poppy on the other side, so I kept filming....It was pretty funny too!

Jadyn learns a lot from her brothers! Unfortunately, She learned this from Jared AND Khun YA! Ya taught her to pee off the deck when we were at the river. She tried to pee in the back yard standing up tonight! When I told her to get inside, I got this photo. Right about the time I took it she stuck her butt out and said, "Hey, Jared, smell my BUT OX!" Oh My Goodness! What am I gonna do with her!

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