Sunday, December 21, 2008

Quiet House

Back in October Jerome took Jadyn to Alabama to visit family and the boys had to stay here in school. They were a little disappointed that they didn't get to take a trip with dad, so Jerome planned a great weekend for them too. They left Friday for Seattle. They have a cool hotel with room service, so the boys are in heaven, LOL. Yesterday they went to see the space needle and other stuff around Seattle. Today they are going to see the Seattle Sea hawks and the NY Jets play. They are coming home late tonight. I'm kind of jealous, but I am so glad they are getting to spend some one on one time with Dad before he leaves in February for Afghanistan.

Jadyn and I have been playing last night we went to Target and looked around. Friday night she had a sitter, and my friend Monica and I went to Chilli's for dinner. (Thanks Candance and Kyle for the the gift cards!) Then we went to Old Navy and I got some cool deals. We tried to get a quick ice cream before we had to pick up Jadyn, but McDonald's and Burger King had broken machines.

The house has been extremely quiet! But that should change tomorrow. Khun Ya comes in tonight too. She gets here a couple of hours before the kids get back. The boys forgot to take the camera. I tried to tell Jerome to get a disposable one, but I'm not sure if he did or not. If they do have pics I will post them Monday. Now have to go get ready for church. Have a great day!

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