Sunday, May 17, 2009

FRG Girls Night out!

Friday night was a respite care night (free childcare), so I had the ladies from our FRG over to cook out. We had steak, fish, turkey grilled veggies, and grilled corn! It was so good! Laura made this awesome pasta salad! Elesha made Beer Bread, and Carie made CHOCOLATE covered strawberries! It had rained all day, but stopped just in time for us to grill. We were suppose to do smore's, but someone forgot the wood for the fire, lol. That would be ME! So we just made them in the microwave....not as fun, but still yummy! We had a great time!

Heather was the only baby at the cookout, but it's OK because she is SO CUTE!

Duke's mom brought him by after she picked him up. He is another Cutie!

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