Saturday, May 2, 2009

Alaska Zoo

We went to the zoo with Jared's class on Thursday. It was a fun trip together before Jerome had to leave again.

Polar Bears!

The cool thing about the zoo in Alaska is that all the animals are Alaskan and most of them can be hunted in the wild. Here is the moose.

Here is Jerome and Jared practicing their moose call, hehe.

Here they are calling up another animal!

This is Jerome admiring his game!

Wait! How did this get here? We don't have Turkeys in AK!

Jadyn hanging out with her "friend".

Wolf! They were HUGE!

Brown Bears

Dall Sheep

The boys calling the Dall Sheep. The were making baaa noises, lol. It was too cute!

Black Bear

Bald Eagle! You do NOT want to get too close to that gigantic bird!

This was our group of kiddos to keep up with at the zoo. I'm not sure why all the "gangsta" stuff.

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