Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Moose Droppings Festival

The weekend of July 12th we went Camping with our friends the Brown's and the Peterson's. We went to Montana Creek, and then on Saturday we went over to Talkeetna to the Moose Droppings Festival. It is a festival that the very small remote town has every year. The paint real moose poop and put numbers on them. Then they drop them from a helicopter over the gigantic bulls eye. The poop that is the closest wins and you win cash if you have that number. Of course, we didn't win. The kids had a great time anyway at the craft festival.
But the best part was camping and "The Fire". We did learn that Reese Cups make AWESOME smores! But you might want to have a nurse on hand for the sugar rush that you get afterwards, LOL! The creek was filled with KING SALMON. By filled I mean they were in schools of at least 40! But of course you can not fish in this creek anymore this year. They were fun to watch swim upstream though. Still would have been nice to catch one and grill it over the fire. We probably could have got it with our hands there were so many of them!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Ginger I love your pictures! Your kids are too cute, but of course they are, they are JONES! :o)