Saturday, December 26, 2009


For Thanksgiving we were going to go to a friends house with some ladies from our FRG but, her kids got sick the day before.  So, I ended up hosting it.  I had agreed to sub that day so all the cleaning and grocey shopping was done after school!  Boy, was I tired! Luckily I didnt have to make the turkey>  Carie was going to take it to Ronica's, so instead she just brought it here and it was a pot luck, so I didnt have to cook too much.  We had a packed house and it was a lot of fun.  I thought that I took pictures, but I can't seem to find them.

We had a pretty tough year, but there is a lot to be Thankful for despite it all!

#1 is that My God IS, WAS, and, WILL ALWAYS BE!  Just like the song matter what life throws at us, HE is always there to hold us up!  I have been HELD BY GOD pretty much this whole year.

#2 Great Friends, or shall I just call them angels??  God has put some pretty awesome women in my path this year.  Some I have known for a while but have gotten much closer to over the deployment.  All of my friends have been like little angels all year long.  They were the arms of God!  I just hope that in some way I was their angel too.

#3 My kids and my Wonderful Husband - Nothing can keep you humble like a three year old!  haha, The kids have had a much harder time with this deployment.  I don't know why...maybe because they are older, or it could be having to deal with losing their baby brother too.  But, they have been my rock!  There has been a lot of fighting and refereeing that I had to do, lol.  But they keep me going all the time ;)  Jerome has been so far away, but thanks to technology we have been able to stay connected.  Skype is wonderful!  I love you Jerome, and I am so thankful to have you as my husband.  I am so excited to see what the coming years have in store for us.

I let my preggo Australian friend, Elesha, talk me into going shopping at 4AM the next day!  I didn't buy much, but it was a lot of fun!

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