Saturday, December 26, 2009


I know I haven't posted in a LONG time!  I hear ya!  So the next post are gonna be a month at a time, hehe.  October was pretty busy.  Let's see -

We ALL had the SWINE FLU!  That was a lot of fun...NOT! 

But then we all got better and my friend, Erin Fannin, came to visit from Alabama.  I don't think we had seen each other since my wedding in 1994!  She came down Halloween weekend after an invitation on Facebook, lol.  That is how we reconnected.  Love FB!!  The kids and I had a fun time showing her around town.  Anchorage had not gotten any snow yet, but she got to see a little bit in Girdwood and at the ER Nature Center.

Precious got her cast off, but had to wear a bandage for a while.  One of her pins had come loose and pushed through her skin...but even with all that she seemed to be much happier with a little bit of mobility!

We had an 80's themed program day at PWOC.

Jadyn and Jared passed out onthe couch was just too cute!

Jadyn got an Alaskan Kuspuk, too cute.

Jadyn was an AL cheerleader at the Halloween Town event, but it was too cold to go trick or treating in so she was her poodle again on Halloween.  But, I don't know how much warmer she was BECAUSE, she didnt wear any SHOES!!!!!  We were almost done when I realized she only had on socks!  But, it didnt slow her down one bit, lol.
Jared was the white ninja from GI Joe, but opted for the warmer dinosaur on Halloween :)
Justin was Obee Wan Kinobe (sp?)

That was pretty much October...

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