Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, it finally happened. Mt. Redoubt erupted last night. Thankfully the wind was blowing to the northeast and we didn't have to deal with Ash Fall! YEA!!! I was so worried about having to cover everything electrical, taping up our drafty doors, and wasn't even sure what to do about the suburban parked outside. Then there would be keeping three rowdy kids inside and entertained all day and all the survival bag stuff to go along with that, LOL. God was watching out for all of us with deployed spouses! Jerome would be so much better at all this than me. You can check out this website to see where the ash went:

It has also erupted a few more times since last night, but they were rather small. Hopefully this was the BIG ONE that they predicted and we are in the clear.

Oh, and yes Jared had an MRE for dinner tonight. He has been wanting me to make him up one for weeks. My excuse was always that he needed to save them for when the volcano erupted in case we were not able to cook on stove. We didn't neeed them of course, but now I have no excuses. Thankfully Kyle and Candance were over here and Kyle made it up for him. He didn't eat much of it though. I wonder why?

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