This has been an eventful weekend for us, and I don't think it's over yet. First, Justin went snowboarding with some friends of ours from church on Friday after school. He was having a great time. They were gone for about 4 hours then I got the call from the Hillburg Ski Patrol. They needed permission to evaluate him after a fall. They were not very clear as to what was going on with him, so I was a bit worried. After what seemed like eternity, but was actually just a few minutes, they called back. They don't think he hit his head. Although his head was hurting at first,he said it didn't anymore and he didn't have any head trauma symptoms. They said he was complaining that his back hurt, and they released him to go home. When he got here it was obvious he was pretty beat up. His back was stiff, but I think he was just more scared than hurt. At least that was what he said.
I was not there so I can't completely explain what happened. He said he got too fast and could not stop or turn the board. He hit a boarder pole and broke it with his back and then slammed into the fence line.
He is OK. Yesterday he was pretty sore and didn't move around too much. Today he seems to be feeling much better, but the bruises have appeared. They are under his arm, which seems odd to me, because he says that his neck, shoulders, and arm is what hurts the most.

After a BEAUTIFUL day outside Saturday, the volcano erupted again and again. This time the wind was not in our favor. We started seeing the ash move in across the mountains and within a few minutes it was falling at Ft Richardson. Jared was at his friends house when it started, so he just stayed the night there. We didn't get too much here, just a very good dusting. I tried to take pictures of the accumulation, but it was too dark. I decided to try again this morning, but the wind blew most of it around last night. You can still see traces of it in the snow, and smell it in the air.
We didn't make it to church this morning. I don't know how much of it is in the air still, and I want it to settle before we go out. I would hate for Jared's asthma to flair up now. We have been almost a year with no problems. I'm not willing to risk it coming back again. Maybe if I can wash off the car and get it cleaned up this afternoon we will make it to AWANA. That is if there are no more eruptions. We are suppose to get same snow today, which will be good I guess. It might settle it all down and cover it up.

These are pictures from the AVO website of the explosions and ash cloud.

Jadyn has her Ultra Sound of her bladder and the VCUG x-ray tomorrow afternoon. Alicia is going with me so Jadyn will have someone in the x-ray room to comfort her while they do the catheter. Please keep her in your prayers tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and the test results will be good.
Sometimes the bruise from an impact can, if hard enough, force the blood to pool on the opposite side of where it hit (usually just in arms and legs and places that are thinner). Since it's a lot of little purple dots that's likely what happened.
Sorry if that was really random, the link was in your email signature from the FRG emails, so I figured I'd look at your blog. :)
-Jillian Harrison
Thanks, That is probably what happened. I didn't know it could, but he was complaining about pain mostly in the other side. I thought it was weird. Guess that's why.
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