My doctors appointment went well. Mainly we just listened to baby and talked about test that I can have. I declined them both. Mainly because they have a high false positive rate, and no matter what the outcome is it won't change my pregnancy plans.
Since me and the kids will be going to Alabama at the end of May the doctor decided to see me in 5 week increments for the next two appointments. That way I will have an appointment the week before we leave. Then I can have one after we get back.
The good news is that I will get my 20 week ultrasound on April 15Th right before my appointment. Hopefully baby will cooperate and we can find out if its a girl or boy!! I can't wait. Just wish Jerome could be here to go with me. But I will get a picture I'm sure.
After the appointment Monica took us to pick up Jerome's Suburban from the body shop. They fixed the bumper from when I wrecked it. But, first we decided to take kids downtown to see the snow sculptures that were done during Fur Rondy. Some where beginning to lose their shape a little, but they were all very nice. The kids had fun playing around them. We tried to keep them off, but they kept sneaking back on some of them. They especially liked walking on the snow wall that surrounds the sculptures.

On the way back, Peyton and Jadyn fell asleep in the back seat.

So we took the kids to Dyea to snowboard and ski while they slept.

The kids still had WAY TOO MUCH energy. So, after about an hour at home we took them to the pool.

They still stayed up till after 11, can you believe it? I am so tired today, but they are all filled with energy. The first thing Jadyn said this morning was, "I want to go swimming." I think we will just stay home and play today. I still have to work on the Laundry that never got done over the weekend.
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