I posted earlier that Jerome got a new job. It all happened really fast. He went in on a Monday and was offered the job and told that he would start on Friday!! So, that Thursday we had the change of responsibility ceremony at the company. Friday he started at the NCO Academy. We hardly had any time to say goodbye to the families that we were with for the past few years, and TWO deployments. It was a sad goodbye, but it was time for us to move on....even if we are staying in Alaska. Since we will be around, we can still get together with the friends that are staying. Unfortunately, some of my good friends are leaving :(
The soldiers in the company threw this goodbye picnic in honor of Jerome. It was really nice. A few of the families were missing. The pics are in random order.

Lisa, our FRG leader and her daughter Heather

Charlie Company Soldiers

Logan Walker - This is Elesha and Randal's little boy.
Jerome and I are honored to be his God Parents. :)


Jared by the creek

Adams manning the grill, YUMMY!!!

Elesha, Andrea, and Carie

Lisa's son Joshua after Jerome convinced him to eat "cat poo" (brownie).
It was hilarious!!!

Elesha's Daughter Lei Lani

Princess Jadyn

Carie's son Duke and his dog

Jerome saying goodbye to the soldiers

Jerome paid Randal to say some good things about him, LOL. Not really, he did a great job!
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