I knew it would eventually happen...just not at 10 minutes till MIDNIGHT!! Justin was trying to skateboard in the basement, and wouldn't you know it....we had to go BACK to the emergency room!! I seriously could have the waiting room named in my honor this year ;) His skateboard has nice teethmarks in the side, and his teeth? Well, lets just say they have a nice mark too. He broke off a good chunk of tooth. I looked for it, but we could not find it anywhere. I was hoping to put it in milk so the dentist could reattach it. Well 4 stitches in the top of his lip and a mouthful of lidocaine later (That's how we learned that the tooth did go all the way through his mouth. The numbing meds just leaked through the hole.) we found the missing tooth! It was in several bits stuck inside his top lip!! YUCK! The doc had to stitch up the inside of his mouth too. There was a huge hole from where the teeth pieces had been. He should get the stitches out tomorrow and then on the 13Th we go back to the dentist to have a more permanent bonding put on his tooth. Thankfully it did not break too far up and none of the nerves or root was exposed!!
These are the pics I took with my blackberry while at the ER. One is of his tooth and the other is before he got stitches.

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