Friday, January 29, 2010


OK, a while back I blogged about how this deployment and all the crap that has gone on this year was much like the plagues of Egypt. God sent all this to happen because of sin (Egypt/world). Even though the plagues were meant for Pharaoh, the people of God had to suffer as well, just because they were still there. HOWEVER!! GOD NEVER TOOK HIS HAND FROM THEM. He was their rock, their comfort, their provider....the list goes on and on. HE DOES THAT FOR ME ALL THE TIME!! He will do it for YOU too!

This was a post from the military wives site, and it went right along with my now "theme" for this year...It fits right in to my 10 week weight loss challenge, or whatever bad habit you may be dealing with now too.

I am copying it here, but the link is also below...

One More Night with the Frogs

By Jocelyn Green

I’m not a betting sort of person, but if I were, I would put down money (plenty of it) on the fact that military families go through more “new beginnings” than just about any other group of people. Of course, maybe we don’t see it that way every time there is a PCS, deployment, or homecoming from deployment. Maybe we just see it as change. And change is hard.

Right now I’m reading a new book by Leeana Tankersley called Found Art: Discovering Beauty in Foreign Places (Zondervan). She wrote this memoir based on her first year of marriage to a Navy SEAL. They married in San Diego and eight days later forged a new beginning together in Saudi Arabia. Talk about change! I love how she describes it:

“Change is horribly uncomfortable. Like the wrong pair of jeans, change pinches and squeezes in the most inconvenient places. A lot of wriggling and writhing is involved. Maybe even some sucking in and prone posturing. Just when you think you’ve fit in, you realize you’re spilling over the top and sides in the worst way. Very, very little ease.” (Found Art, p. 19)

Strangely enough, even when the change will be good for us, it can still be hard. Remember the story about Moses calling down all sorts of awful plagues on Pharaoh in order to convince him to release the Jewish people from slavery? The second plague was frogs. Exodus 8 tells us that they came up out of the water and covered the land. Pharaoh pleaded with Moses to ask God to make them go away.

“Moses said to Pharaoh, ‘Be pleased to command me when I am to plead for you and for your servants and for your people, that the frogs be cut off from you and your houses and be left only in the Nile.’ And he said, ‘Tomorrow.’” (Exodus 8:9,10)

Tomorrow? Really? If it were me, I’m pretty sure I would have said, “Right now!” Wouldn’t you?

The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly why Pharaoh wanted to keep the swarming, slimy frogs around that night. Did he think they were cute? The decision is shocking to me. But perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from the frogs and how they relate to the changes we need to make in our own lives.

How many times have you thought about a bad habit you’d like to break or a new discipline you’d like to develop in yourself, but decided to put it off? I know I’ve done this more often than I’d care to admit. For some reason, even if we know our habits (frogs) are bad for us, it’s easier to keep them around than to make a change. Maybe, just maybe, those little frogs start to seem like pets after a while. Could it be that after we’ve had our habits for some time, we don’t mind them anymore?

The new beginnings that happen to us, we can’t do much about. The new beginnings which happen within us, however—those are completely up to us.

If there’s something you need to change in your own life, don’t wait until next January rolls around to make a New Year’s resolution. Don’t spend one more night with the frogs, like Pharaoh did. Ask God to help you (claim Philippians 4:13!). Make that change and watch as a new beginning –a very positive one—emerges for you.

Jocelyn Green is the author of Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives (along with 14 contributing writers) and co-author of Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq & Afghanistan. Visit her Web site and blog at

Black and Blue

Jared's eye after a couple of days. He has a pretty good shiner now, lol. Still making me crazy!! He nearly tripped over his own feet and fell down the stairs this morning. Thankfully, he caught himself....geez!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5% Goal :0)

Was a bit nervous to weigh in tonight. I didn't track as well as I should have last week. I was just hoping not to have gained anything, but I actually lost 1.8 pounds!! As another blogger than I follow wrote, one pound a week equals 52 pounds in a year!! I will take that :o) I have met my 5% goal, so that is good. Now on to the 10% goal...that's 10% of starting weight. Happy eating, all.

Clumsy and Daredevil should NOT go together!!

This is a picture of me and my brother, Chris, when we were little. Notice the big bruise on my forehead. That stayed there for most of my childhood! I am a clutz and I usually did land on my head!

Unfortunately, Jared is just as clumsy!! But, he is a boy and is a little bit of a Daredevil. That is not a good combination!! Saturday we went tubing and had a great time!!! No one was injured and we did not freeze to death, so we thought it was a good day. LOL!!! HAHAHA! No weekend is complete with out a trip to the ER in the Jones' least not this year.

We stopped at Burger King to get the kids some dinner since it was late. Elesha and I were in line to order and I heard Jared scream!! I looked over an he immediately had a huge goose egg on his head and it was continuing to get bigger. We didn't even order the food. We all loaded back in the car and went to the ER. Justin said Jared was swinging between two tables and he swung too far backwards and fell straight down on his face!

I am glad that Elesha was with me! She took all the other kids to McDonald's while we went to the hospital. McDonald's because it was closer, but mostly because the people at BK didn't even lift a finger to help us! One employee was sitting within arms reach of him when it happened, and she didn't even look up!!

The doc was afraid that he cracked his skull right above his right eye, so he ordered a CT to look at the bone and to check for swelling inside.... Everything looked good, so we thought. Jared was his usual self and all back to normal at this point.

Elesha came to get us and we stopped at the shoppette for milk on the way home. That is when the doctor called to tell us that the radiologist thinks she saw a tiny bit of blood on the scan, and he would like for us to come back to be monitored...probably overnight due to Jared's recent Neurological stuff.

The on call doctor did not feel comfortable having him at Elmendorf given his age and past history, so Jared got to ride in another Ambulance. This is his 5Th time to do so, and he is only SIX YEARS OLD!!!!! This time he was awake, and wanted to take pictures so he would remember it, lol.

Other than the nurses coming in every hour and us not getting much sleep, everything went well. Jared had no problems through the night. WE were released Sunday morning. The problem is that they are afraid of secondary head injury. That is when you bump your head again before the first injury can heal. If he hits his head a second time he could have severe bleeding. So they prescribed limited activity for TWO MONTHS!!!! Needless to say, I am a nervous wreck! Jared will not be still and he trips when he walks!!! I need bubble wrap!!!!

The next pictures are from the tubing trip that day. It was a beautiful and fun day. Glad we did it, cause the snow will be gone by the time Jared can play again, he he.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two Weeks Down

Well Monday was the 2ND full week of the healthier me! I weighed today and I had lost another 3 pounds! So far that makes 6.8 for the two week total! I can't believe how easy this must get harder, lol. WW really does let you eat what you want and still lose weight. Both weeks, I went out to dinner with friends and still did not go beyond my points allotment. I just have to make better choices and plan ahead for snacks and meals, which is something I should have been doing anyway! You actually save money at the grocery store when you go with a list instead of just buying what looks good, lol.
I have treated myself with occasional snacks, but also bought some healthy options from weight watchers. I know I am a sweets person, and I could use all my points on chocolate alone, lol. So I got some ice cream, and some chocolate snack bars that are only 1 or 2 points each.
I tried to get out and move around more last week, but I didn't get to it every day. I did walk to the car service center instead of having someone take me to pick up the car. This week I plan to start walking the dog at least once a day! She will like it.,and it is like a mile if I go the block around our house and Dyea.

Verse for the week

1 Corinthians 6:19 -20
19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

I know this chapter was mostly talking about sexual immorality, but this verse also refers to our body in general. Not that it is a sin to eat too much or not exercise....but can it be? If those things are put above your relationship with Christ and become addictions....maybe. Treat your body with respect and care. Taking care of yourself is one way to better be effective in your Christian ministry. It is hard to be a servant to others when you are not healthy yourself!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sad Day

Well, we did it, we won the National Championship. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited for Alabama and my team. But, the day was not all fun and games as we had planned it to be in my house. That morning I talked to Jerome and from his tone and his encrypted message I knew that we had lost a soldier, and that it was probably someone that I knew. Since Jerome doesn't usually tell me ANYTHING, I knew it was going to be bad! I waited around for what seemed like eternity! It was my friend Tiffany. Her wonderful and brave husband Jason Hickman lost his life Thursday in Afghanistan. Suddenly a ballgame just isn't that important!

Please be in prayer for Tiffany and her family. Jason was an awesome father, a wonderful husband, and a brave soldier. Tiffany told me that she knows he is with the father and that she will see him again one day! Hallelujah!

Jason died doing what he loved, serving his country! It is hard for people to understand that sometimes, but as Army wives we live that every day. It is an honor to live among such strong men and women each day! Jason is an American Hero! Thank you for your sacrifice Jason and Tiffany!

They have three beautiful little boys who are having a hard time, so please keep them in your prayers as well. They will never fully recover from such a devastating loss in their family, but God is faithful. And, He will keep them safe and bless their lives more than anyone can ever imagine!


This week was pretty easy! There are lots of filling foods that are healthy for you and only use a few points. Plus I found some awesome ZERO POINTS soups! I get 25 points a day, plus 35 extra, bonus points is what I call em, a week. I only went over on my points one day, and that was the day I went to Red Robin for dinner with some friends. I should have gotten the Asian salad, but I needed a BURGER! HAHAHA But I only used 8 bonus points all week. That even included the birthday party that I went to with the kids, and yes I had cake and ice cream! How cool is that!

I lost 3.8 pounds my first week! This week my plan is to exercise more. I didn't really get to do that this week, so that is my goal. I also need to increase my water intake. I know I am not getting enough water.

Overall, I think I really like Weight Watchers! I didn't think I would like having to keep track of what I eat, but it is really easy, and it is fun to find all kinds of new recipes and stuff that is healthy instead of junk! Justin even has me look up points for him, lol. "Hey mom how much is this bag of chips worth?"

My verse for the week:

Proverbs 31:27 (New International Version)

27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.

I like to eat when I am bored...well, I like to eat all the time! So this verse just reminds me that there is always something to do besides eat! My house is always in disaster mode! The kids always need something, or could be motivated to do something with me. Someone call always be ministered too. There are preparations for Jerome's homecoming. God wants to spend time with me alone! ... Do not sit and eat and be idle. Get Up!! Move! Do something!! Obey God, and maybe this new lifestyle eating thing won't be so hard. Happy Healthy Eating and Move it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a God Thing

I LOVE my savior!!! Man, he knows just what I need when I need it!! I was about to go to bed, but checked my email one last time and this is what I found!! Go Jesus!! Seriously, thank you Jesus for being REAL and for always knowing what we need and when we need to hear it. My God LIVES and he is HERE with ME TODAY!

New Year’s Revolutions
By Naomi Cramer Overton, President, MOPS International

“Mama, what’s your new year’s revolution?”

“No, honey, it’s not revolution, it’s resolution.”

Acting no more enlightened than before, the child asks: “So what is it?”

Setting a New Year’s resolution can feel like a revolution: It takes an uprising of hope and a strategized campaign. It takes looking past enemy lines of our failures to see a hill worth taking.
We have to believe in something beyond ourselves to have a revolution, or a resolution:

Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a NEW THING!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland. – Isaiah 43:18,19

As we come out of a long season where most of us have faced change, are you also spying signs of hope?

About half of MOPS moms didn’t make any New Year’s Resolutions last January, and the other half kept just “some.” Instead of aiming too high or so low that we aren’t disappointed, what about a year of believing there’s a “new thing” ahead with God?

Whatever your "New Years Resolution" may be, let God do a new thing in YOU!


I stayed within my points today!! I had a couple of samples at PWOC and a 1/2 BANANA!! That did eat up like 6.5 points, but I made this awesome ZERO POINT soup for dinner, so it was OK! The one thing that has got me in trouble, or I can see that it WILL get me into trouble are the tiny bites!! I am a snacker. Throughout the day today I had a handful of almonds here, a couple vanilla wafers there, some raspberries... these add up pretty quick when your not paying attention. I am gonna try and avoid these point THIEVES! In my defense I just went grocery shopping right before I committed to starting WW, so I DO have too much junk around the house. The next grocery shopping day will be carefully planned meals and snacks, so the temptation is not here!!

I had a couple of good thoughts that I wanted to share today, but I am too tired. Maybe I will share my revelations tomorrow, lol. Night all :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

10 Week Weight Loss Challenge!!!

I obviously need to lose weight!! Not only so people will stop asking me if I am pregnant, but so I will look and feel better too! I need to be more active, and that is my challenge! I have said it before and tried....but only to give in and not lose anything! For example, I joined Weight Watchers online back in the spring. Other than tracking my points a few times, I really have not done anything else other than just pay the bill. (If Jerome is reading this now...please know that I had good intentions of going and using the online stuff, just way too much to do with kids and stuff. It is really hard during a deployment to add one other thing...) Something always came up that prevented me from going to meetings.

Well, tonight I went to my first meeting. It really doesn't seem that hard as long as I keep a track of what I eat. Wouldn't you know it! That is what the meeting tonight was about :) I tried it a few minutes ago and even wrote down all the stuff that I had eaten between meals, like a handful of nuts and Jadyn's leftover cheeseburger, lol. I get 25 points per day, then there are some extra ones that you can use for the whole week. Even without precounting my food and all the little "extras" that I had today my total was only 26.5!! That is not too bad, I don't think, anyway. I was expecting it to be off the charts.

So tomorrow and the rest of the week I am gonna make sure that I track my points better and PLAN AHEAD!! I should do much better with points that way.

OK, now for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! My weight was pretty bad, but still about 10 pounds lighter than I thought it was...178!! I don't think I weighed that much at full term with either of the boys!!!!! My BMI is 31. It should be between 20-25. My weight range is between 117 to 146 pounds. So, i am setting my long term goal at 135. My first short term goal is to lose 5%, so 8 1/2 pounds.

I did learn something pretty cool today though. The garden veggie straws that I bought for the kids instead of potato chips are only 3 POINTS for a WHOLE BAG!! That would be the same as about 10-12 Doritos, and they taste yummy too!

So here goes!! I am also gonna do some type of exercise everyday!! Even if that is just on the Wii Fit. I will post back from time to time and let ya know how I am doing...If I don't, please ask me!!! I might need some motivation!! LOL

Tony Hawk was once in a full body cast!!

I knew it would eventually happen...just not at 10 minutes till MIDNIGHT!! Justin was trying to skateboard in the basement, and wouldn't you know it....we had to go BACK to the emergency room!! I seriously could have the waiting room named in my honor this year ;) His skateboard has nice teethmarks in the side, and his teeth? Well, lets just say they have a nice mark too. He broke off a good chunk of tooth. I looked for it, but we could not find it anywhere. I was hoping to put it in milk so the dentist could reattach it. Well 4 stitches in the top of his lip and a mouthful of lidocaine later (That's how we learned that the tooth did go all the way through his mouth. The numbing meds just leaked through the hole.) we found the missing tooth! It was in several bits stuck inside his top lip!! YUCK! The doc had to stitch up the inside of his mouth too. There was a huge hole from where the teeth pieces had been. He should get the stitches out tomorrow and then on the 13Th we go back to the dentist to have a more permanent bonding put on his tooth. Thankfully it did not break too far up and none of the nerves or root was exposed!!
These are the pics I took with my blackberry while at the ER. One is of his tooth and the other is before he got stitches.

Ice, Ice Baby

We had a few days around Christmas when the temps hung out just around freezing, sometimes rising just above freezing. This melting and refreezing action caused some pretty wicked icicles to form outside Justin's window! There were a few that had to be at least 5 feet long!!