On top of all that fun stuff we had some not so fun and unexpected expenses too. I had to get the Kitty Neutered (as required by the kitten rescue). I had him declawed as well, because of his extra toes. Jared did not do so well with his eye exam on the physical, so I had his eyes rechecked with the eye doctor. He didn't need glasses, but it turns out that I needed stronger ones. The brakes went out on the van. I have been driving the suburban, which uses lots more gas! Thankfully, though my friend Francine's husband was able to fix the van. I only had to buy the parts!! Yea, one good thing, LOL. We all had our regular dental cleaning exam. Jared had two fillings, and I had one. Cleanings are free, but not fillings! Plus, I have known for a while that I need to have a tooth crowned. It is cracked due to an old metal filling expanding. Oh and the microwave has stopped working!! I don't know what was wrong with it, but I need a new one.
Can things get any worse? Well, of course!
On Tuesday, daddy's eye (the bad one) started getting red. By Wednesday it was all swollen and leaking goo. We went to the ER, and they told him that he has pink eye! They gave him oral antibiotics and drops, plus some pain killers. But That night it was WORSE!! His whole eye was swollen SHUT! And his face was all puffy on that side of his head. We tried to get back in the doc that they requested he see all day, but no one called back. Finally we got them and the charts faxed over to the eye doctor. He got an appointment for Friday morning. By this time the swelling had gone down some, but this white stuff keeps coming through the muscle.
I had already agreed to substitute for Mr. Pieper at the school, so Monica took him to the doctor. Then he had to go back to Providence for a CT. The rushed it, and said they would call him back in a few hours. Yea Right! They still have not called him back! The white thing is the stone (orbital implant)that is there to hold the false eye in place. It now looks like it is about to pop out! It looks like the muscle is coming detached from the implant. Which means he won't be able to wear the prosthetic. The one he has is only a few months old, and the doc here thinks that it rubbed the muscles raw. That is what caused the infection. So we are just waiting for Tuesday morning when we can call the doc back to find out what to do next. He is in a bit of pain to say the least!
That's enough, right?? Don't think so!
Daddy said he could tolerate the pain pretty well and he had a patch to cover it, so we planned to go to the Fair on Saturday Morning. I was upstairs getting ready and heard Precious in the back yard yelping... When I looked out the window I could see that she was hurt. I don't know what happened, but I guess she fell down the stairs. On first inspection I knew something was wrong. I called the vet and rushed her over there. Turns out she has a broken leg. It is right above the elbow, and is in a place that can not be set with a cast. The vet thinks that she will need surgery for it to heal correctly. But of course, it is a Saturday and a Holiday weekend! So we have to wait till Tuesday to call the specialist that can do the surgery. The vet put it in a splint the best she could and sent her home with some pain meds. We are trying to keep her as comfortable as possible, but today it is not working!! Poor thing is just crying. She kept me up all last night.
Jerome and I both agree that if she needs the surgery, then she is gonna get it! But, I don't know how we are gonna pay for it! I went online to carecredit.com and was approved, but not for enough to cover it. I tried to call them, but of course it's the weekend, so I have to wait till Tuesday to talk to anyone about that too.
Tuesday is also the first day of the Bible Studies, and I am leading "The Way of the Master." Guess it's gonna be a LONG DAY! Make that WEEK!!!
Daddy leaves on Thursday Night. Please pray for his eye situation and for our Precious! She is like a member of our family. I got her while Jerome was in Haiti right after we got married. She has been there to play with and protect all three babies. I know she is old (15), and I have been mentally preparing myself for the day we have to say goodbye...But it will not be for a broken leg! Hopefully we can be seen right away on Tuesday and they will let us make payments or something!
1 comment:
Bless your heart Ginger!!! I hope everything has turned out well. Miss you so much! I think of my AK friends so much!!!
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