It's Fair Time again! I promised the kids that we would go to the fair this year. They wanted to take Poppy to see the Giant Vegetables! We eventually made it yesterday, but only after a few serious problems!! I will post about that next. It was a nice evening! And a much needed break after a crazy month! The funniest thing happened while we were there. I guess because of LONG summer days, my kids haven't seen the moon in a while. It was pretty full and beautiful last night. I should have gotten a picture of it. But we were walking to the gate and Jared said, "Hey momma look at the sun, doesn't it look cool!" LOLOLOL I told him it was the moon, but he was not convinced! He even had Jadyn believing it was the sun!

Daddy wanted a candy apple. But it was sticky instead of hard. He had it suck all in his false teeth, hehe!

LeiLani, Jacob, and AnnaLynn wanted to get their face painted and Fair Hair. My kids wanted to see the veggies and animals, so we (thankfully) didn't do all that, hehe. But they did look cool!

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