Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pictures from the boys Seattle Trip

These are from Khun Ya's Camera, so there are not any from the football game. They all forgot their cameras, but I told the men to get disposable ones. I don't think they did. But I will post whatever I can get from them later.

They went to the fish market. Notice the guy on the left catching the bag of fish.

Walking back to the hotel because Seattle taxis wont carry 5 or 6 people.

My boys and Khun Ya.

Jacob adopted Khun Ya for the week.

They went to eat at the Crab Pot, and of course they called to BRAG!!!
How Rude.

I'm not sure why Justin is wearing the bib. He doesn't eat seafood at all.
I think he had a cheeseburger.

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