There is a cute story behind the manger scene ones. We had the kids stand by it, and they were kidding around "talking" to Mary and Joseph. When we got home and I down loaded them to the computer Jadyn was looking at the slide show with me. When it was done she told me that she wanted to see God. At first I didn't know what she meant, then I thought maybe she was talking about the nativity ones. When I got back to the picture below she said, "See it's God's Mommy!"
Right from the mouths of babes. Jesus is God with us. The miracle of Christmas isn't that God came to earth, but that he came to die for us! Even with all the sin and mess ups that we have everyday. Jesus knew that we were the ones that should die and he still CHOSE to come to save me. Hope you all have a very Christ filled Christmas. Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!

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