OK, So now it is Jared's turn. Jared is my middle child, and he wears it well! He is very active and SUPER accident prone. We have the joke at our house that if anything crazy is gonna happen it will happen to Jared. He has had three head CT's already and he is just 5 yrs old. He is a dare devil and does not let the fact that he gets hurt all the time sway his decisions. I used to think that he would act before he takes the time to think about it. But, I learned this was not really the case when he pulled the fire alarm at the chapel after PWOC one afternoon. I later learned that we were not the only ones in the chapel at the time. It was during Catholic Mass. When I asked him why he did it he said that he had never seen the thing before and wanted to know what would happen. ( I guess he finally got tall enough to see it and, I guess, reach it too.)
Jared is a literal thinker. He takes things exactly as he hears it. He loves to ask WHY about EVERYTHING! He is beginning to lean on Jesus and questions many things. When we were in Thailand in January he asked me some interesting questions. "Mom, the people here don't believe in Jesus, right?" I said well no son most people here do not believe in Jesus; they are Buddhist. "Then WHY do they have these Christmas decorations everywhere?, Christmas trees are for Jesus's birthday!"
His Favorite song is "She Thinks My Tractors Sexy" by Kenny Chesney. Except he sings "Sucksy" it is too cute!
I waited till now to write about him, because today was his First Day of School! I can't believe my little boy is finally in Kindergarten. I was excited for him to go until I actually watched him go in. He was SO grown up. I didn't cry though.
I didn't get much out of him about school right away. But, later on he did have a little to say. "We went to lunch and outside to play two times. We had to sit and hear a story and we got to color. Then we sat some more, and some more, and some more. And then this kid started crying and didn't stop till it was time to go home." That was the summary of his day. Apparently the girl crying was why he didn't want to talk about it right when school was out. He did say that he had fun and wanted to go back tomorrow.
He was so excited to go to school he got up at 6am. He jumped out of the car, but when he started to walk across the lot he told me, "I'm getting kinda ne

Standing in line waiting to go inside.
Jared going inside on his first day of school!
Saying the pledge with Mrs. Moses his teacher.
My desk and my new friends.
What a DAY!
1 comment:
I have a 30 yr old who doesn't always think before he does something........pulling the alarm sounds just like something Bran would have done and come to think of it Darrell too!!!!!!
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