Last night this couple came to our door looking for the owner of a dog. Of course, it was ours. I had let her out in the backyard about an hour earlier. She loves to be outside, so I didn't rush to let her back inside. However, the kids had left the back gate cracked or at least not latched, and Dakota got out. The people were very nice to try and find me. They could have just called the MP's and I would have had to pay a fee to get her back. But I was angry because this was the third time that she had run off in one day. What was I thinking getting another puppy, LOL. She really is a sweet dog, and for 7 months I guess she is pretty well behaved - except for the running off part.
I guess I can't complain too much though. If I did not have to go outside to get her, I would not have seen the beautiful sunset and DOUBLE RAINBOW! By the time I went in to get the camera (yes, I did finally get a new one) the double rainbow had merged to one, but it was still beautiful!

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