Psalm 100 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sarah Palin
We are very PROUD to call her our Governor in Alaska. She is as down to earth non Washington as they come. She sold the state jet, and got rid of her driver. She does actually drive herself around town. Last year at the Bear Paw festival in Eagle River she and her youngest daughter parked by us nearly a mile away from the parade. They walked like everybody else. She could have just driven right up to the police guy and gotten special parking, but no she chose to be treated like everyone else who should have gotten to the parade a tad bit earlier for better parking!
Jerome met her at the Welcome home event for his Brigade in December. She was the guest speaker and he was very impressed, not just because she is beautiful. Her son is also serving our country and she believes in the US Military.
She is Pro Life, and even just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy with Down Syndrome. She is Pro drilling and has put the natural gas pipe line in motion. Not to mention that $1200 extra per person energy relief that she just passed for AK citizens to offset the cost of high fuel prices. Sarah knows how to get things moving and shakin'. She is an excellent choice for VP! Go Sarah!
Check out or for more information on Sarah Palin and her rise to Fame. Don't forget to register to vote. This is going to be an historic election no matter what side you are voting.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Alaska State Fair 2008

So, they had them sign the guns.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Goal Met!
I miss Jared

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008
Jerome and Friends Dipnetting on the Copper River (Chitna)
Friday, August 15, 2008
This Should be Interesting
Also in the TIME (august) issue there was an article "In Their Words. The candidates on their personal journeys of faith. It was quite interesting as well. It did seem to me that McCain gave specific incidences where his Faith in Christ influenced his personal journey. He gave examples of REAL prayers and answers and how he connected with another Christian even in a prison camp. He ended by talking about a "living Faith" that is expressed as we "live out the message of the Gospels." However, Obama wrote that he "began his Christian journey over 20 years ago," and that he has been serious about deepening my relationship with Christ but also about the way that all Americans can live together in our diverse, pluralistic society." The rest of his portion was about his policies and and beliefs about issues. I didn't see anything accept in that first small paragraph about his true spiritual growth.
OK, let me first say that I am not so ignorant to believe that all Christians are Republican or that no Democrat is a follower of Christ. To be fair neither candidate flat out stated that they had accepted Christ as a personal savior. I am not judging whether or not Obama's Commitment is true or even better than McCain's. I am only stating an observation.
I DO believe that it is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE for all Americans, Especially Christians, to be informed and VOTE for the candidate that you feel God is calling to our nation! Don't take my word for it. Check out the articles and the interviews for yourself. PRAY about who you will vote for come November.
Rick Warren hosts presidential forum Sat. night
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 8/15/2008 6:00:00 AM
Tomorrow night (Saturday), White House hopefuls Barack Obama and John McCain will be fielding questions from evangelical mega-church pastor Rick Warren in a presidential forum at his California church.
The "Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion" will feature each candidate talking with Pastor Warren separately for one hour. Warren says he plans to pose questions on issues such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, global warming, and human rights. "Both John McCain and Barack Obama, I have known for a long time, before either of them began to run for president. They are very different," Warren explains. "They have different philosophies of leadership, different philosophies of where government should be and should be headed -- and I thought, 'You know what, these guys will probably trust me to ask the questions that let them say who they really are.'" Pastor Warren says he will also have Obama and McCain discuss their religious faith. "The leader who says, 'I'm going to take my worldview and just put it on the shelf when I make decisions,' is either an idiot or they're lying, because you can't do it," the well-known Christian author adds. "All of your decisions are based on what you value, what you believe in life. And so I think it's important to find out what these guys really believe." American Family News and will be providing in-depth coverage following the forum.
Oh... I almost Forgot
Gold Canyon Holiday

The other new exciting thing in the catalog are the diffusers! They are becoming so popular, and finally Gold Canyon has them. And, They are SO CUTE! These make perfect gifts for soldiers, other people who can not burn candles at work, or for college kids living in Dorms.
We have so many cool products this season, and I want them all. The only problem is I have a limited budget to order samples. So, I have set a goal for September that will hopefully lead to an awesome fall season for my business! I am going to have at least 4 home shows next month.
As an incentive to get these booked I am offering a $15.00 credit to the first four Host to sign up. This will be added to all the other bonuses that you can earn during September. You can use your credit to purchase FREE CANDLES! Below is an overview of the September Promotions.
Hosts – Get a 26, 16 or 8 oz. Heritage candle FREE or deeply discounted based on your Party totals. Plus, get the exclusive 3 oz. Potted Blooms as a FREE bonus with Parties of $700 or greater.
Customers – EMERGE Start Fresh Hand Soap is buy one, get one FREE!
New Demonstrators – If you join me as a Gold Canyon Demonstrator in September, you’ll receive the Sampler Kit FREE when you achieve sales of $500 in the first 30 days. Plus, you’ll also receive the Homeology™ All Purpose Cleaner FREE when you place your first order. I'd be happy to tell you more about the Gold Canyon Demonstrator discount, free trips you can earn and special recognition jewelry! Please contact me to learn more about this great business opportunity.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
34 Foot Airborne Jump Tower

Casting Crowns Concert
Such small sacrifice
Let my lifesong sing to You
Let my lifesong sing to You
I want to sign Your name to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
The Concert was part of Alaska Fusion. This is a youth conference that is held at ABT every year. Casting Crowns and other groups came to work with our youth for several days. It was really neat to see all the kids at the concert who are seeking the Lord in their lives. I think they said that at least 50 youth had given their lives to Christ so far, and there were still two days left of the conference. One of the newest songs (or at least to me) is "Slow Fad". Mark Hall talked about how we should guard our hearts, eyes, and ears daily because we don't lose the fire over night. We go to a conference or get "on fire" for Jesus because of a retreat, revival... then slowly we lose the closeness or connection that we felt to the Holy Spirit. We make tiny compromises in our commitment, and before we know it we are no longer walking with the master. Man doesn't fall in a day. At the end of the song, his 8 year old daughter sings the kid song "be careful little eyes what you see". He said he wanted her voice on the tape, because ultimately as a father (mother, parent) we are responsible for them. They follow and do what they see us do. How true. I don't know how many times I have heard my words coming from my kids mouth. Hopefully, the words that I hear from them will be the ones that are pleasing to the Lord, and not the times that I have compromised my Lifesong. I commit my life to you Lord, I cannot "train up a child in your ways" without your help and love. Teach me how to be a better mother so that my children will learn to be on fire for You!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Dogs and Rainbows

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Girly Girl

Thankfully, We did not have to go to the ER today, but if she keeps this up I don't know, LOL. Jadyn is a true gift from God. I so wanted a baby girl and she is such a doll - most of the time. I love you Jadyn Grace!