Well, I had a birthday on the 18Th. And I guess it was one of the best ones so far! It started the weekend before when my friend Candance kept all three kids for Jerome and I to have a night alone. We went to dinner and then we went bowling. We were gonna get a hotel, but decided that with no kids at home we could save the 100 bucks and just go home. We watched a movie and just hung out together on the couch. It was great!
The very next day I got another birthday SURPRISE! We are gonna have a baby. God has blessed us so far with three beautiful children and we could never have imagined that we would be parents of FOUR! I always said that I would like one more, but didn't really expect it to happen. Funny how that works.
On my actual birthday we started out by telling the kids. They are so excited. Justin was so happy that he started tearing up. I think he was a little embarrassed. Later that day The carpet guy showed up unexpected and said they are finally going to replace the steps that our puppy ate. Not only that, but he would replace the whole downstairs carpet! YEA!!! New carpet for Christmas. It was perfect timing because the next day the boys left for their trip and no one was around to get in the way. Later in the day I went to Arctic Oasis with Jadyn and some of our friends from PWOC. (Its and indoor playground and workout area. It also has video games, a rock wall, indoor put put, and snack bars.) It was a great birthday.
This pregnancy has already had its bumps however. Friday I had to go to the ER for some minor complications. The heart rate and hormone levels were good at the time. Unfortunately, if anything is going to happen at this stage (I'm 6 weeks) there is really nothing we can do. I talked to the doctor yesterday and since I am not cramping he said there is nothing to do but wait and see. I don't go back to the doctor until January 26Th, so that is a lot of time to worry. But I know that God is in control no matter what the outcome. Please continue to pray for us so that this baby will grow and be healthy like his/her siblings and that I will get plenty of rest and fluids and have no more problems. Also, pray that I will have peace and not be so stressed while I play the waiting game. Thankfully I have not had any morning sickness. I didn't with the other three, so maybe I will be as lucky this time too.
As you could probably see from the few pictures of me during Christmas I already look pregnant! Well, when you are already fat and then can't suck it in anymore that is what I get! LOL. Jerome told me that I look beautiful pregnant, so that makes me feel a little better anyway.
Psalm 100 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jadyn has lots of hair bows. We have been keeping them in a box, but it is hard to dig through and find the ones we want and they often get lost. So I copied this idea from several bow companies that I have seen online. Yesterday I went to Michael's, bought the stuff, and walla! I think it turned out cute, and I saved a bunch! They sell for around $45.00 online. I need to buy a better hook, maybe one of those 3M ones. The nail that I used to hang it is not strong and I'm afraid the ribbon will just slide off.
I have left over ribbon and paint. If any of you local people want one I will help you make it, just get the wood and whatever other decoration you want on it. (name, flowers, crowns...)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Slide Shows
Anong had some pictures of our Thailand trip and Jadyn's trip to AL in October on her camera. I had not seen them so I made a slide show for everyone to view. Problem is I cant make it small enough to fit on the left side. So scroll all the way down to the bottom to view them.
Standing on a Frozen Lake
We drove out to Otter Lake so Khun Ya could see a frozen lake. She and Jerome decided to walk out on it. Well, first she sat down in the snow that came up above her knees then they walked out on it.

Standing out on the Lake for a nice mother and son picture.

Until Jerome noticed that it was not all ice under his feet.
"I feel water!"

I think these are the last of the pictures from our time with Khun Ya. She had to leave late Saturday night and only got to spend two and a half days here in Alaska. But I think we fit in as much as we could and she had a great time. We all did.

She went up all by herself and was doing fine.
Jerome, Khun Ya, and Jadyn are coming down hill.

Obviously Jadyn's idea of fun changed. 

The video is of them coming down the hill. It is a bit shaky because this little boy tried to go around me and about knocked me over with his tube.

Obviously Jadyn's idea of fun changed.

We spent the rest of the time in the lodge while everyone else kept tubing. Thankfully they gave us a refund for her.
It was a fun afternoon. I think Khun Ya had fun.

The video is of them coming down the hill. It is a bit shaky because this little boy tried to go around me and about knocked me over with his tube.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Dyea Sled Hill

Going up the hill - Jadyn seems to be having the most fun.

Top of the hill with mom.

Say Cheese!

We took Anong to Dyea sled hill on Fort Richardson. She enjoyed playing in the snow with the kids, but the hill was too hard to climb with so much powdery snow. Also, there was only one side that could get going fast, so we didn't stay there long. We decided to go to Elmendorf and go to Hillburg ski area. It has a lift and lanes to sled in. Unfortunately, they were sold out for the day. We planned to get up and go the next morning.
Pictures from the boys Seattle Trip
These are from Khun Ya's Camera, so there are not any from the football game. They all forgot their cameras, but I told the men to get disposable ones. I don't think they did. But I will post whatever I can get from them later.

Christmas Memories Past and Present
You know how some smells can bring back long forgotten memories. It is amazing, but the nose is the sense that is most closely related to memory. Maybe that is why I love candles so much. Jadyn got a real Cabbage Patch Doll for Christmas this year. Wow I LOVE how they smell. I told Jerome that it made me think back to when I was 9 and got my first one. I think my mom and PawPaw stood in line for hours to get us all a Cabbage Patch Kid. Jadyn loved hers too. She kept changing its diaper over and over again. Sometimes it would poopy and sometimes it would just pee pee, but she didn't stop till....

She had to go herself, LOL. She didn't make it to the bathroom.
She wet her panties right before she made it to the toilet.
They made it just in time!

Christmas Day at the airport.

The boys were so excited to be home. They couldn't wait to get inside and see what Santa brought. We made them come off the porch and wait for everybody to get inside together. Daddy was unloading the car.
Lots of Presents, and Good Food!
This might not have been the typical Christmas that I had hoped for, but it was full of memories that will last forever. We never got the gingerbread house decorated this year and daddy had to read the Christmas story a bit late, but we had a great time together at home and in Seattle.
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