Friday, October 19, 2012

Wow! I just don't know what else to call this post

This is what I learned over the past 2 days:  The doctors at Ft. Bliss are very cautious and thorough!

So Thursday morning Jaxson had his regular 18 month well baby visit at the clinic.  We were expecting to get a couple shots and hopefully some cream for this diaper rash that is just not clearing up.  He has had it for a little less than a month and it has strange bumps that are starting to spread.  

His appointment was going great.  He is still only about 19/20 pounds, but is meeting every milestone and is very strong ( The doctors will find out just how strong later on in the day!).  He is just perfect and very much a BOY!  He has a few bumps and bruises to prove his new climbing skills :)

The rash, well it doesn't really look like a rash.  The doctor thinks it looks like Genital Warts.  What The Hell?!  Yeah, That was what I said too, out loud. But she isn't really sure and wants to send him to dermatology.  "Be prepared for more test depending on what the Derm finds." In the mean time Jax got 2 shots and went home to nap till the Dermatology appointment at 3:30.  

At this point I was still thinking a 15 minute appointment and maybe some followups.  But, The doctor couldn't really identify them and had 2 other doctors look as well.  They all three thought either could be genital warts or molluscum. Both can be spread by a virus like a wart on a hand.  Possible someone at daycare or who knows where could have passed it on to him.  But as you know GW is also spread as an STD. A biopsy of the bumps needed to be done.  Poor Jax :(  That was not fun. 

Well do you know what happens when there is the Slightest hint that abuse has or could have occurred?  Yeah, they don't let you go home and Child Protective Services is called.  THANKFULLY, the doctors did NOT suspect us at all.  Really everyone was hoping for the virus molluscum, but the hospital could not risk letting us go without an investigation.  They had protocol to follow.  

At this point I have not been able to get Jerome who just thought we were going to a derm appointment.  My phone didn't get service in the hospital and I couldn't dial a long distance number ( His cell is AK).  I finally got Jadyn and Jared at home after school and tried to give her the hospital room # so she could call dad and give it to him.  Hahaha, yeah that was hillarious! She kept calling the hospital thinking she was calling dad. When I finally got her on the phone again she said,  "Mom I don't know where daddy has been.  He isn't answering this number you gave me!" Anyway I finally got him and let him know we were being admitted.  They needed to rule out sexual abuse and any other type of abuse before letting us go.  

I'm still wondering who the *&*^&%*&&*( touched my baby!  But as the night and next day went on I was reassured more and more that yes, it was just a virus and NOTHING happened to Jaxson in my home or at daycare!  Whew!  What a relief!!!!

But first this is all poor baby and family had to endure:

We were admited to the Peds unit at WBAMC called for our dinner at 5:45 and they closed at 5:30!  Had to wait to talk to J and get him to bring us food and clothes :(  Ice complaint first thing in the morning about the Food Service at the hospital!

Family Advocacy came to see me and Jaxson and ask if I had any questions.  She is here for support, for WHAT I really didn't know yet.

We saw nurses and doctors who all needed to look at the "area".  Oh and they kept it covered and taped to stop the bleeding which was wonderful until he had to POOP, LOL!  I let the nurse do that one.

The "rape nurse" came and did her evaluation.  She didn't see anything, Praise the Lord!  But we still don't have the biopsy results so she also wants to do HIV and all the other STD tests. Those we can get blood for on Friday.

They take Jaxson down for a FULL BODY Xray scan.  Everything looked Great :)  He unfortunately does NOT like to be held down and screamed for the entire thing.

They pretty much let us sleep all night.  Jaxson actually went right to sleep (imagine that, lol) and slept most of the night :) 

Morning came with more X Rays b/c he moved and some of them had to be redone.  More Crying :(  Oh and the stupid people in the Kitchen brought Jax's Breakfast, but not mine.  And you guessed it the Kitchen was now closed :( Thankfully  there was a Starbucks on the way to X Ray. 

Still waiting on Biopsy.  Called Jerome on his lunch for an update and discovered CPS was at the house talking to him.  OK so I was doing SO Good Keeping up with my house.  Those of you who know me know this is a big accomplishment for me.  I hate housework!  Well this week has been SUPER busy and since Jax hasn't been sleeping well neither have I....You get where I am going with this?  The house was a WRECK! Of course the one time in your life CPS gets called for an impromptu visit, right? Thankfully she has 5 kids and completely understood.

The nurses try and get blood from Jax.  More screaming and holding down.  Both Arms - NO Blood :(  Try again later. 

They actually brought us both lunch and I don't know if I was starving or what, but that chicken was GOOD! hahaha

The Lady from CPS comes to talk to me.  She has also been to the kids schools and talked to them.  She starts out by saying that she does not suspect ANYTHING from my family and if there does prove to be abuse then we have to figure out where from.  But she has to complete her investigation.  Also, she talked to the one nurse and the biopsy is looking like the virus!  YEA HUGE Sigh of Relief!!  BUT the rest of the test still need to be complete before we can go home, BOO :(

The Ophthalmologist comes in and dilates Jax eyes (more screaming).  He is looking for "Shaken Baby" signs, but says his eyes are perfect and he doesn't even need glasses, lol. 

They need a urine  sample and tape the bag thingy to him.  It worked just like it should, but Jax again had a little piece of payback for them.  He pooped all over the outside of the bag!  LOL  You guessed it, the nurse changed that one.

Everyone is scared to try and draw blood on Jax this time and they call the pediatric anesthesia guys to do it.  They were Awesome and got it in his foot on the first try, but you guessed it...more screaming :(  

They are talking like we might have to stay another night to wait on blood test results :(  Jerome and Justin stop by to check on us before Jared's soccer game.  He WON by the way!  GO JARED !

Dinner for Jax delivered.  You guessed it. Mine is missing.  The guy said he would check, never came back, kitchen closed.  

Thankfully!!!  The doctor on call was Awesome!  She talked to CPS and they decided we could go home and await the blood test results.  Wonderful!

We left at 7:30 pm and have a followup to treat the molluscum on Monday.  What in the world is molluscum?  Well I'm researching that this weekend and hope to learn more on Monday.  We are just happy to be HOME and KNOW for Absolute Certain that Nothing happened to my Baby!  Well besides the trauma of the 5000 test run on him in the past 2 days :(  

I'm gonna have a bath, a glass of wine, and CRASH in my own bed.  Night all.  Thank you SO much for all your prayers and sweet comments.  Sorry to have kept you all in the dark, but I couldn't really post what was going on at the time. 

Love ya, 



Dani said...

I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. We dealt with pretty much the same thing with Joseph as a baby. He was 2 months old and bruising everywhere anything touched his skin. I took him in to find out why. His full body x-ray however did not look great. That's how we found out that 1 in 8 babies under two have an altered bone growth pattern that on x-ray looks as though all the bones in the body have been broken. After extensive tests and more radiation than any adult should endure, a specialist was brought in and made a diagnosis within minutes. It is rediculous how backwards they do things. In our case it was simply anemia. An iron check would have saved so much heartbreak, time and money. It sounds like Jaxson also endured a horrific experience that could have been prevented if they had just ran the diagnostic tests first. CPS has a definite time and place. But I don't think they should be involved until there is some actual reason to suspect abuse. By approaching it like a witch hunt, the original concern takes a back burner to the investigation. The child suffers through unnecessary tests. And the family is subjected to emotional turmoil and, most of the time, a long standing distrust of the medical field. Again I am sorry you have had to endure this. I will pray for you all.

Ginger said...

Thanks Dani :)

tncboyer said...

Hey! So glad you posted here since I cancelled my FB! I miss you so much! Sorry you had to deal with this. Unfortunately I've seen both sides of the CPS investigation. We've been investigated when there was no wrong doing, and we've watched in terror as they returned my neice repeatedly to her abusive and neglecting mother. I know they are doing their jobs, but it is so aggrevating sometimes!

Ginger said...

I miss you on Facebook Chara! :)