Some places along the Golf Course CX trails look just like Narnia! It is so cool! Today I went again with Monika, and we also took Jared and his friend Ethan. Neither one of them had done it before, and the equipment was a little too big for them, but they did GREAT!! Jared got tired part way through and just did the shorter loop, but Ethan stuck it out with me. It was snowing most of the time, and sometimes pretty heavy, but the temperature was like 30 so we were BURNING UP!!!!!!! About halfway through the clothes started coming OFF!! By the time it was over we just had on our snow pants and tshirts, lol. No hat, gloves, or jackets...too hot! But it was Fun. I am addicted now! Gonna start going when Jadyn is in school on Monday mornings...maybe more

This one is my RED FACE, LOL. I get so red when I get hot. It happens a lot when I am home in AL, but not so much here in Alaska.

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