Wednesday I took down my old bed and moved the other furniture around. I shampooed the carpet and cleaned the room out for my BIG delivery. YEA! Since we didn't have a bed, Jerome slept on the couch and I slept with Justin. Thursday Morning Jerome and I sat around and waited for the delivery. I was so excited. When my bedroom furniture finally came it looked much larger than in the store. I think it is the huge ceilings in the big warehouse. While Jerome went to pick up the mattress from the other store the school called with the phone cal that NO parent ever wants to hear. Justin has head lice. GREAT!
I picked him up and started the awful task of washing EVERYTHING in the house. I then had to wash everyones hair. Jerome even washed his bald head, LOL. Next came the combing, and combing, and combing again. Everyone in Justin's and Jared's classes were tested and no one else had the mess. So, I am guessing that Jadyn picked it up at preschool. Although, I didn't hear of anyone reporting it there.
Jerome had to comb my hair out again last night. I cant see them on myself, so its hard to get them. But I think we have finally gotten rid of the "L". I don't even like to say the word now.
Jared got rid of his pretty easy. He figured out real quick that Jerome did not have any because he doesn't have any hair. So he asked dad to shave his too. Nice, school pictures are next week - I guess we will always remember this year, LOL.

I haven't had time to pick out a new comforter set, curtains and accessories yet. Been too busy washing clothes. The red sheet is because housing is taking their sweet time getting back to me about fixing my blinds. I will post better pics once I have the room fixed up. But, Hey Mom - My room is CLEAN!!!
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