Back in May my Airborne husband jumped out of an airplane and broke his leg. He was actually in Jump Master school at the time and was probably more concerned about whether he passed the course than how his leg was. Me and the kids had already planned to go to the Beach and to visit family in Alabama. Since the trip was already paid for and tickets from this place are EXPENSIVE he told us to go ahead. Of course, he has not let us forget that we left him by himself for two weeks with a cast. He was also not suppose to put any pressure on his foot at all.
We had a great time at the beach, but it was difficult to leave him no matter what he tries to convince his friends, LOL. He did have a few mishaps by himself including having to untangle a dog from under the back porch and nearly breaking one of his toes on his good foot!
This pictire was taken a few days after his surgery. Jadyn was a Little Nurse! She could not stop asking, "Are you ok Daddy?" It was so cute but after an hour it became pretty anoying.
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