Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jaxson Hunter Jones

Well, I knew I was close when I posted the last blog.  But Boy I didn't realize I would go into the hospital the next morning!  My water broke around 5am Sunday Morning.  Since Jared and Jadyn both came very quickly, we got dressed and went on into the hospital even though I was not really contracting yet.  They went ahead and admitted me and we all just knew that we would have a baby by noon.  HAHAHA, Yeah Right.

I would have a few contractions here and there, some quite painful, but nothing really stuck around.  I walked around the hospital countless times through out the next 12 hours - Nothing.  We tried several other methods to start my labor, but nothing worked.  At 6pm I was still just around 1 cm!  NO WAY!  I was already exhausted from walking and no progress had been made.  That is when we decided to induce.  I REALLY didn't want to use Pitocin, so we tried half of a pill...I can't remember the name. It started with a C, lol.  Anyway, it worked!  My labor started pretty quickly and by 1030 I was ready for an epidural - Another break in my Birth Plan, but you got to be flexible right??  Jared and Jadyn were natural births, but they all happened pretty quickly.  This little guy was taking his sweet time!

I REALLY wasn't in THAT much pain.  Well I was, but considering I knew how much farther I had to go and that my body was just done I don't regret the epidural decision.  Once it kicked in I thought I would get some rest, well that didn't really happen either.  Jaxson didn't like the stronger contractions and his heart rate kept dropping to the 60-70's. I felt like a contortionist!  They had me up on hands and knees several times.  This is VERY hard to do when you can't feel the bottom half of your body, BTW.  LOL, But MAN was I happy that I couldn't feel it! 

Keeping track of his HR was also hard with all the moving around I was doing, so they put an internal monitor on his head and called the doctor.  The big C word was mentioned, but thankfully averted.  Because by the time the doctor got to the hospital he was doing great and I was almost complete!  Thank The LORD!  After all that, the rest was a piece of CAKE. 

Jaxson was born at 3:25 am April 18, 2011.  He was 6 pounds 12 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. 

He is just the cutest thing!!  He barely even cried when he wa born.  He was just looking all around like who are you and how did I get here!  The gave him to me right away and he was so relaxed.  He even started sucking his thumb right away.  Just too cute.  He nursed and just hung out for a bit, then they took him to be weighed and cleaned up.  That is when he started to CRY!  LOL, still that is about the only time he cries.  He doesn't like having his bottom wiped. 

We came home Tuesday evening and he is doing GREAT!  He is a bit jaundice, but yesterday his levels were back in the normal range and he didn't have to have any light therapy. 
He has slept the last 2 nights in his own bed.  He gets up every couple of hours, but goes right back to sleep after nursing. 

We are all just in LOVE!

Poor Jerome was SICK as a DOG all weekend!  He was with me in the hospital, but he slept most of the time on the couch.  He woke up when it was time to push, lol.  I felt so sorry for him.  He is NEVER sick.  I hate that it had to be this weekend, but I am so happy to have him home with me and not deployed!  He has been a big help at home though taking care of the big kids and the house!  I love you Jerome :O)

Jadyn is sick as well, and it was killing her that she can't love on Jellybean the way she wants to.  We did get her a mask to wear so she could hold him in the hospital. Turns out she has either pneumonia or bronchitis!  Antibiotics are helping and she is getting better quickly.  Jerome went to the doc and he is recovering too.  But me and Jared are starting to cough, so pray that it GOES AWAY!!!!!  And that Baby doesn't get anything from all of us.  

Sorry the pictures are blurry :(  The NEW camera batteries that I took to the hospital didn't work and we had to use the itouch.  I thought it took better quality, but they didn't transfer very clearly.  New pictures with the GOOD camera coming soon!

Right after he was born.  Not sure why my swollen hand is on his head.

All cleaned up and sleeping.

He was so curious.  Just kept looking all around and watching us.

Jared is SO PROUD!

My FOUR kids! Wow, who knew 4.

Jadyn finally got a turn.  She is in love, but didn't like that mask :(

Big Brother!!!!!

One of the few moments Jerome held baby at the hospital.  He was worried about all his coughing.

Proud Pappa!

This picture makes him look so fat, but really he is a TINY little thing :O)

I'm not sure WHAT I was doing, lol.  I look GOOFY!

This is his favorite position....mine too!

None of my other kiddos likes the paci, but Jax loves it!  He also LOVES his fingers, but he keeps scratching his face.

First time in the car seat.  Headed Home! He did NOT like it, until daddy picked it up and he started moving.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Remembering Our Angel

2 years ago yesterday I went for a 20 week ultrasound and found out that our baby boy had already gone on to be with Jesus. Jerome was deployed and it was heartbreaking news to have to tell him over the phone when he called to see if we were having a boy or a girl. As awful as those next few days were, I could not have felt more love and support from my friends and family. I KNOW that God had His hand in the situation, and I knew then that something good must come out of this tragic day.

James Grady was born still early in the morning on April 16th, 2009.

So much HAS come out of our experience. My children are AMAZING! Even in their little understanding of the situation they were able to later take this experience and relate to a young boy who had just lost his father in Afghanistan. Jadyn may not have full understanding of the gospel, but she knows WHO Jesus is and she knows that he is REAL! I had to hold back the tears as she told her friend that his daddy was in heaven with Jesus and her baby brother.

I have had countless opportunities to share and witness with hurting moms about how God never leaves us. Through this experience I have become stronger in my faith and know that God wants us to share with others how he has blessed us in every situation.

I was not sure whether or not I even wanted to try and have another baby. Jerome never really talked about it either. I was just content with the 3 blessings that I had already been given. But I guess God had better plans for our family!

This past August when I found out that I was pregnant, WOW! What a surprise! I wasn't sure HOW Jerome was going to take the news... Don't get me wrong, He is a wonderful father and LOVES all of our children. But convincing him to have the 2nd and third was a bit hard, LOL. He wasn't sure that he wanted more children after Justin. I remember he said to me, "How can I love another child as much as I love Justin." I wondered the same thing too at the time. But God gives us more and more love for our children every day! He actually took the news very well and is just as excited as me, or maybe even more excited some days to see our newest little one.

All of my other pregnancies have been very easy. I never had morning sickness, heartburn, or any of the other typical pregnancy symptoms. I LOVED being pregnant. I still do, but BOY this BOY has given me fits! I have had just about every symptom written in a book about pregnancy with the exception of diabetes. I am border line Pre E. He is so LOW now, and has been for weeks, that I am in PAIN! I am just ready to have this baby NOW. I have tried everything to kick him out, but nothing works. I know that God will send him to us in His time and I must be patient.

So today, as I sit back and reflect over the last 2 years, I am just full of JOY and feel so BLESSED! Emotionally anyway... Physically, I am DONE! LOL

As I was complaining about my physical pain and hoping that the baby would come soon, this song came on the radio only to remind me that all the physical and emotional pain is just temporary. The is Joy in the waiting.

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
that you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
can't compare to the joy that's coming

so hold on, you got to wait for the light
press on, just fight the good fight
because the pain you've been feeling,
it's just the dark before the morning

Thanks to my wonderful friend Samantha for the Maternity Pictures :O)

Here is the link to my story from 2009 if you are interested :
