Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Strange Sleepers

My kids all have sleep issues. Jared falls asleep at the drop of a hat where ever he is when he gets tired. I think I have posted before about him even falling asleep at a concert. Justin sleep walks. Jerome likes to mess with him when he does. Jadyn likes to sleep in odd places...

I have spoiled her a bit. But, we are working on fixing the problem. She had gotten in the habit of wanting me to rock her before she would go to bed. Or she would fall asleep in my bed (even if she were by herself) and I would have to move her to her own bed. We have been trying to get her to go to sleep around 8pm in her own toddler bed like the boys go to bed each night. With a little bit of crying. Well, at first a lot of crying, then a little she has started going to sleep more regularly. The problem is she gets up and sleeps in odd places. Sometimes she will get at the bottom of our bed by our feet. Her favorite place to go in the middle of the night is the couch. But the other night she threw us both for a loop, LOL.

Jerome and I were up watching TV and she came downstairs. But she only came to the third step from the bottom. Jerome told her to go back to bed and she just pretended to be asleep. He then told her to come lay on the couch with mommy. Still she pretended to be asleep. I knew she was pretending because I went over there one time and I could see her peeking. But, after a few minutes we thought she went back to her bed. I didn't dare go up there for fear that she would start crying about having to sleep by herself.

After a while Jerome and I decided to go up to bed, so we turned off the lights and headed up. Jerome almost stepped on our little sleeping baby who, after all the pretending, really did go back to sleep on the steps!

Last night was a SUCCESS!! I gave her a both, put on pj's and told her it was time to go to bed. She got her baby and went to get in her bed. I tucked her in and kissed her and she went to SLEEP!!! YEA She did get up about 4:00 and went to get on the couch. But, at least she is going to sleep in her bed first. This will be very important in a few weeks when Jerome leaves. After the kids go to bed is MY time. I will be able to relax and read my Bible or watch TV or just eat ice cream. Deployments get stressful! So planning downtime for myself as well as needed rest for the kids will help out a lot! I am trying to get everyone on a schedule now so that we are prepared. It may change a bit, but better to be prepared than not.

Monday, January 26, 2009

What a difference 10 days can make!

WOW, today I had my first Real scheduled appointment. I was not expecting to get an US today because it had only been 10 days since the last one, but Maj Ostrand did it anyway. Let me say again WOW! We could see an actual baby this time. On the 16Th it still looked like a little blob, just bigger than the one I posted on the 6Th. Today we could see arms and legs, a definite head and torso shape. The little monkey was swimming all over the place! It was so cute. The heartbeat was still up around 180, but I guess it's still to early to predict anything by that. Think PINK!

I feel SO much better! Haven't had any more problems for weeks now. So we are on our way to a healthy baby! I did measure the same as last time, so I guess my new due date is September 1st after all. Oh, and can I just say that I LOVE Maj Ostrand. I went in prepared to have the "dreaded exam" today, and she said that it was not necessary!!! YEA. Did you know that you really don't need to do that but every 3 years if you are healthy and don't have problems. Who knew? LOL

Anyway, I go back mid March for next appointment. I am thinking about getting a Doppler for home. You can rent really good ones now that record the heartbeat. It might be nice to have so that I can play it for Jerome when he calls or we chat online from Afghanistan. Plus, I can share it with my friend Nicole who is only a few weeks further along than me.
I also talked to doc today about my Carpel Tunnel, and she said that it will probably just get worse with pregnancy. So, I now have a brace to wear when I'm driving, playing on computer, sleeping, or picking stuff up. So as you can guess typing this post has been quite difficult. I keep having to correct my typing. But hopefully the tingling in my hand will go away or at least not get worse.
Thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement! You dont know how much they have helped. God is so GOOD! Continue to pray as we prepare to say goodbye to Jerome. I think we have a little over 2 weeks left befoer he leaves. God Bless

Monday, January 19, 2009

Justin in the paper

Well actually, his school won an award, and that was in the paper. Justin just happened to be enjoying a story from his reading teacher when they came in to take the picture. You can easily spot him on the right side. He was wearing his SabanNation Alabama shirt that Nana sent him.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Update on Baby and other stuff

I had a Dr apt yesterday to get a follow up US. Everything looks good and baby has a super fast heart rate. Not sure what that means, girl maybe? They also said that I am not as far along as I thought. She moved my due date to September 1st. I think I will ask them to measure me again later, because there is no way I'm only 7 weeks. I would have been less than two weeks when I found out I was preggo. I didn't think it was possible that early. Anyway, all the kids were small and I delivered a bit early with each. Still planning on an August baby. I go back for my first full appointment on the 26Th, then I should just go once a month till I get closer to delivery. I feel good. No morning sickness, but toothpaste makes me gag!

I forgot to ask for a pic this time, so I guess they put them in my file. Couldn't really see anything better than last one though.

So, while I was out I decided to run a few errands. The main roads were very wet, but seemed OK. I went to Gymboree and used my 100 gymbucks. I got the boys some shirts and Jadyn some jeans and underwear and a few larger dresses for later. Then I went to Bethel to pick up a pair of pants that we had hemmed for Justin.

That is when I found out that the parking lots were not as nice as the roads! I slid into the parked car beside me. I made a dent in her Jeep Laredo bumper, and knocked the light out of the suburban. Later, I noticed that the grill needs to be replaced and the bumper looks a bit low, HAAAA! Jerome was so mad at me! Thankfully he is over it now, realized it was just an accident I guess. I was trying to be so careful too. I was barely moving when I started sliding on the ice. We filed the claim for the other lady to get her car fixed, but now I think we will have to file a claim for the burb too. I think it will be more than our deductible of $500. Good thing we are getting a tax refund soon! (Jerome doesn't get his W2 till next week though. I will file them same day, lol)

After all that I finally made it to the bank and the commissary! We were completely out of food. That is what I get for putting it off for so long. Then I went to the Post Office on post to mail a box of toys to Thailand for our cousins over there. But of course, the lady decided that at 3:00 she would take lunch and just locked the door! HAAAA I am going to bring it up at the next CAC meeting. I don't know why the post office cant be like every other office on post and SET lunch hours! I understand that you are there by yourself and need a break, but it is really not fair to the customers to just randomly decide each day when you will be open and when you will close. We have work, plans, obligations too. I cant spend all day going back and forth to PO just to find out that you are not open! Sorry I just had to share that, lol.

We are having a fourth day of temps in the 40's! Kids are out playing and loving it! But, Housing maintenance are having fits! Several units on our street are flooding due to stopped up drains and fast melting snow! Our house is safe so far, but we are keeping an eye on the basement. Please remember all those affected people in your prayers and that ours stays DRY!! I'll keep ya posted.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yesterday Jared went to play with his friend, Luke, down the street and I went to pick him up because it was dark and very slippery on the sidewalks. He has a history of falling and needing CT, so better not chance it.

They were playing outside so I parked the car and sat there for a few talking to Monica. Jadyn unbuckled and I got out to put her back. While was standing on a sheet of ice holding on to the car buckling her, the car started sliding down the drive way!!!!! The sliding door did not lock in place so I was trying to hold on to it as it moved back and forth. I just held on and slid down too. Thankfully I stayed upright! I would have gone under the car and been ran over. All I could see was me at the ER and losing the baby. Thankfully the kids were all buckled in safely and the car stopped at the end of the driveway.

Schools out again today. So we are just hanging out. I need to go to the commissary! We are out of milk, bread, eggs, cereal, toilet paper, toothpaste, . . . You get the picture? Need FOOD! Especially with kids hanging out in the house. They want to eat.

I was hoping to go to Gymboree today. I have $100 Gymbucks to spend. Guess Ill have to wait.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No School???

Unlike many schools in the lower 48, especially the south, Alaskan school rarely close. I mean one time we got close to 18 inches of snow in one day and still we had school. Well, we woke up this morning to WARM temperatures, LOL. It was 32 degrees! If you don't think that it warm, you should have been here the past two weeks when we had temps as low as -30. That's a 62 degree temp increase in a matter of days. It's HOT! he he

Anyway, schools are closed because all the snow is melting and then freezing back to ICE. So road conditions are horrible! Plus, we can have some pretty strong winds up here too. And with that temp increase they are strong!

The kids are in heaven! They rarely get a free day for weather. Plus I am sure they will be able to play outside later - when the sun comes up! Its 9:40 am now and still dark. However, I was suppose to go to Michael's and get craft stuff for MOPS today. Hopefully the roads will get a little bit better later on, but I really didn't plan to take three kids with me. I also need to do some cleaning. Kind of hard with everyone home, so maybe they will get to go out later.

Funny - I think Alabama is suppose to have record lows this week in the teens, so we are probably warmer than you guys, HAHAHAHA

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kids Swimming

One of our friend's daughter had a birthday party today at the Elmendorf pool. I was in the pool most of the time with Jadyn, so I didn't get too many pics. But I got a few good ones and two video clips..

As a side note, my bathing suit just fit with my ever growing belly. I will probably have to get another one soon. I had a good time in the pool, but I am exhausted now. I need to go to bed!

My Little Blob

Had an ultra sound done Tuesday when I finally got to see a OB Doctor after 2 ER visits. Thankfully everything is great, and I have not had any more spotting in three days. I know the US just looks like a little blob, but the most important thing was the heart beating!! You can see the pattern at the bottom. I go back again Friday (16Th) for another US. I am confident now that everything will be good. Thanks for all the prayers this week.
Other than being really tired and big I have been feeling great. Not had any morning sickness at all, but I never had any with the other three either. Keep praying that all will go well. I am trying not to get too stressed. Jerome leaves in five weeks for Afghanistan. Just ready to get it over with!