WOW, today I had my first Real scheduled appointment. I was not expecting to get an US today because it had only been 10 days since the last one, but Maj Ostrand did it anyway. Let me say again WOW! We could see an actual baby this time. On the 16Th it still looked like a little blob, just bigger than the one I posted on the 6Th. Today we could see arms and legs, a definite head and torso shape. The little monkey was swimming all over the place! It was so cute. The heartbeat was still up around 180, but I guess it's still to early to predict anything by that. Think PINK!

I feel SO much better! Haven't had any more problems for weeks now. So we are on our way to a healthy baby! I did measure the same as last time, so I guess my new due date is September 1st after all. Oh, and can I just say that I LOVE Maj Ostrand. I went in prepared to have the "dreaded exam" today, and she said that it was not necessary!!! YEA. Did you know that you really don't need to do that but every 3 years if you are healthy and don't have problems. Who knew? LOL
Anyway, I go back mid March for next appointment. I am thinking about getting a Doppler for home. You can rent really good ones now that record the heartbeat. It might be nice to have so that I can play it for Jerome when he calls or we chat online from Afghanistan. Plus, I can share it with my friend Nicole who is only a few weeks further along than me.
I also talked to doc today about my Carpel Tunnel, and she said that it will probably just get worse with pregnancy. So, I now have a brace to wear when I'm driving, playing on computer, sleeping, or picking stuff up. So as you can guess typing this post has been quite difficult. I keep having to correct my typing. But hopefully the tingling in my hand will go away or at least not get worse.
Thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement! You dont know how much they have helped. God is so GOOD! Continue to pray as we prepare to say goodbye to Jerome. I think we have a little over 2 weeks left befoer he leaves. God Bless