Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trick Or Treat Town

Every year the Imaginarium has a fundraiser at Halloween for their Science Center. Trick or Treat Town is a cool way for kids of all ages to get their candy fix without having to worry about the weather. It is held indoors at the ACS Warehouse. The kids had a great time and they were so cute! Justin, who is getting too old for cutesy costumes went as an FBI agent. Jadyn was a Poodle, and Jared was a ghost. He had several other costume choices, but decided at the last minute to be a ghost. So I cut up an old sheet and wallah. It was the cheapest costume ever! He loved it. If I had known in advance that he wanted to be that kind of ghost I would have made Jadyn ET, LOL.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Clean House

For the first time in a LONG time all the rooms in my house are clean. Well, were clean. While Jadyn was out of town with her dad I got a bit done. When they came home all was clean. The laundry room was even clean and washed up. The other day I was sort of bored and decided to rearrange the living room, so it was a bit different when they came home. I need to straighten up down stairs, fold one load of laundry, and wash dishes from last night to get it all back into its beautiful state. But that is not too bad. Even the boys rooms are still clean - knock on wood. My plan is to do laundry everyday and to set up a reward chart for the kids to HELP keep it clean. I will have pictures and more updates on how well it is working later.

For now I have to get off the computer. I ordered Jared some free educational software online and it came in today. So he wants to play. You should check it out. Its called
I got some videos for Justin's teacher too. They have all kinds of stuff, and all you pay for is shipping.

Bedroom update

My bedroom is finally coming along. My mom will be so proud that it is actually staying clean, LOL! The comforter set and pillows came in today. Along with my 100%Egyptian cotton sheets. I cant wait to sleep on them tonight. They feel amazing.

I would like to add a flower arrangement or something to this chest. Ignore the unpacked suitcase on the right. That is my project for tomorrow.
Housing still has not come to rehang the blinds, so the curtains are much nicer than the red sheet we had hanging up. They are a chocolate sheer and the curtain is the color of the pillows on the bed.
I have ordered these votive sconce things to put on each side of the mirror.
I am going to get an embellishment from to go over the bed.

I want to recover the hope chest with a matching fabric. The old top is stained and doesn't match anything in my house anymore.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Deer Slayer

Jerome got a doe with his bow (hey that rhymes, LOL) while they were home. Here are the pics of his camo fun!

My Babies are HOME!

Jerome and Jadyn got in from Alabama last night. I know that she had a great time with her daddy and everyone down south. But, we missed them so much! I think she grew up even more in just the 10 days that they were gone. Jadyn was so excited to be home that she did not want to go to sleep at all. Finally she went down at 1:30am, but was up and running at 7 this morning. She is napping now, so I thought I would post all the picks that Jerome brought home.

There arent any of the Pumpkin patch on here. Hopefully I will get some of them from Khun Ya.

Love you all!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So, I am not a big shopper. My husband may beg to differ, but I have to be in a mood to shop. I can buy stuff for the kids all day, but I have a hard time making purchases for myself. A lot of times I talk myself out of buying anything for me. I did get a few things for me today in the new TARGET STORE!!!!! I was so excited that Alaska was finally getting a target. We had them in GA and I loved it. There are a few things that we don't have up here in the frozen North, but Target is no longer on the list, whooo hooo!

The official Grand Opening is not until Sunday. I found out by luck that they are already open. I was coming in the Muldoon Gate to go to the commissary and saw all these cars turning into Target, so of course I followed! LOL, I felt so childish... what if they aren't open and I look like an idiot. I didn't care. I went right in and it was not too crowded. Guess not too many people have heard the secret yet. I didn't even have to stand in line to check out!

The best thing about Target are the clearance sales. Of course a new store doesn't have clearance stuff yet, but it was so neat. I felt like it was Christmas just looking around. And, because I didn't have to get kids till 3:30, I took my time. They have lots of neat stuff. However, I still didn't find the right set for my new bedroom. Guess I'm gonna have to order it online.

So for those of you who didn't know, Happy Shopping!

This Feels Weird!

I keep thinking that I have forgotten someone. Did I leave a kid at the grocery store? Where's Jadyn? Did she open the front door and take off to "my girlfriends house" again? Oh Yea, she is in Alabama with her Daddy!

They arrived safely and are enjoying the warm weather. I was afraid that she was not going to want to go with him. A few hours before they were to leave for the airport she asked me if I was getting on the plane with her. When I told her no that she was going with Daddy, she would not leave my side. Even to let me go to the bathroom. But after falling asleep in the car and getting to sit up front with mommy while we waited on daddy to check in, she made a miraculous change of heart. She was so excited to get to "go on a trip with Daddy" that she jumped in his arms when he came back. Goodbye Mommy!

So much for a great day with the boys. After the long night before and a full day of school ( minus the one hour sleep in) they were a bit ill. We had pizza rolls for dinner and went to bed at 8:00, all of us! (I actually did stop coughing enough to get a few hours of sleep last night. I have had a bronchial infection.) Maybe I can take them to dinner tonight somewhere fun.

I know my baby and her daddy are having a great time, but we do miss them here. 10 more days to go. Have fun my Loves and be safe!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh My God!

That was the sound I heard coming from Jared in the living room while I was helping Jadyn "go potty". I could only imagine what disaster awaited me. But, No it was Jared's way of announcing, "IT'S WINTER!" The snow is here. HUGE, WET FLAKES! The boys immediately put on all their gear to go play outside. (Thankfully I found boots for them this week. Still looking for Jadyn some toddler size ones.) Jared is still out playing with his friends. Justin came back in after 10 minutes. He doesn't like wet and cold! While I had the camera out Jadyn of course had to "say Cheese"! Justin was no where to be found - No Pictures!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jadyn the Little Momma

Jadyn stayed with a friend yesterday for a couple of hours while I helped with a fundraiser. She enjoyed helping with Duke. Here are a couple of pictures that Carie took of her feeding him.